Prior to starting any type of treatment, it is always advisable to first see an appropriately trained spine specialist to develop an appropriate treatment program for your specific condition and medical history.
The main goals for managing back and neck pain usually include:
This is an outpatient procedure.
The 8- 10 mm incision results in minimal blood loss and little or no damage to muscle tissue surrounding the surgical site.
There is no need to implant foreign hardware in the patient (in non-fusion surgery).
Patients experience few or no postoperative complications.
There is little or no pain or scarring.
The procedure requires only sedation and local anesthetic in some patients.
Recovery times are much shorter than with other procedures.
If you are suffering from low-back pain, neck pain, herniated disc, sciatica, pinched nerve and have been researching minimally invasive spine surgery as well as laser spine surgery, schedule an appointment to speak to Dr. T and Microspine Team today.