When a damaged disc in your neck presses onto a nerve root, it can cause debilitating pain that can radiate through your shoulders and into your arms. Using a minimally invasive technique, known as an Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion or ACDF, the herniated or diseased disc can easily be removed. The two affected vertebrae will then be fused together for stabilization. This surgery is performed through the front of the neck, as opposed to the back, with a small incision made at either the left or right side. This allows the surgeon to access the cervical region of the spine through planes between the muscles.
Because this minimally invasive surgery is performed through the front of the neck, instead of the back, it offers many benefits including:
Dr. T performs all Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion using the latest in minimally invasive surgical techniques and technology:
Our focus on minimally invasive surgical procedures means that patients generally experience pain relief quickly and see shortened recovery times that allow them to return to their daily life much sooner. Our patients often report an improved quality of life immediately following their ACDF surgery.